Monday, March 17, 2014


I've often wondered if I'm doing what I'm meant to do in life. Am I suppose to be a photographer or should I should I just focus completely on Jesus and my family. Instead of dividing my time between it all.  I know I love photography and capturing special moments in people's lives, but am I doing God's will for me? I believe when in doubt, PRAY! I pray all the time for guidance and just to know when something is right to stay and when it's wrong to go.

 Today, while editing I got an overwhelming sense that I was right where I needed to be. I am capturing moments for people that they will never get back, but my job allows you to relive it through a photograph everyday. That's pretty amazing if you ask me. These photographs are family heirlooms. Your children and their children are going to enjoy these for decades to come.  These photographs should be valued in your home more than any other possession. Display them and be proud of them. This is your precious family and you are so blessed to have them!

Recently, we suffered the loss of our family pet. It was very sudden and heartbreaking for us.  It really made me start thinking about the value of photographs. Every day we wish we could have her back. Just to see and hold her again, but we can't. That's the funny thing about life, it doesn't always go the way we planned or expect. Looking at photos of her have really helped us get through this hard time. My daughter is almost 3 and our precious Edie and her were the best of friends. My daughter probably won't remember her when she gets older, which breaks my heart, but we do have photos to show her and keep her memory alive in our home. I'm so glad I took a lot of photos and I value them so very much.

You never know when the end of this life will come. Life is short. Cherish your loved ones and value your photos, because those will be around a lot longer than any of us.

In loving memory of Edie.


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Happy birthday sweet baby E!

This was my first ever birth photography experience and I sure hope it won't be my last.  The B family are good friends of ours, so that made it even more special. 

This is the only birth I've ever experienced other than my own daughter being born and it's so neat to see it from a different perspective. Lindsey was so calm and stayed strong throughout the whole process. Truly inspirational. 

Here are a few images of sweet E's birthday. 

Until next time,
